About us

The Abeyie Story

It's 2050 and this is what the headlines say on the global news.

"The World's most influential & transformative social enterprise.
They have significantly changed the economic statistics of the African continent through innovation."

Why we wake up everyday

Our Mission

We exist to ensures that Africa innovates for social and business sustainability.

Why we haven't & Wouldn't quit

Our 2030 Vision

Our vision is to advance innovation and digital transformation for sustainable development in Africa.


We wanted to do things differently so we designed a new approach. An approach that is focused on implementation and impact. Most importantly, an approach that is run by innovation.

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By 2029 children all over Africa, should have access to primary education. This can only be done when we leverage technology to create digital learning for all. Our EdTech solutions are focused on helping children and adults learn form anywhere.

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Our research teams are constantly finding new solutions that will increase access to quality healthcare. Through our partnerships, we are enabling digital healthcare solutions.



Agriculture is at the very core of the African continent. This is why we are engaging various communities and helping them design agriculture systems that facilitate easy planting and harvesting. Through IoT solutions we are increasing visibility over farms.

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Social Justice

The rule of law is fundamental for the development of any society. The vulnerable int he society do not have to continue to suffer because of weak justice systems. Our teams are constantly advocating for social justice and implementing solutions that protect the rights of the people.

FAQs for My Abeyie App

  1. Is the app currently live? Yes. The Abeyie App is live on Google Play Store and will be on the iOS Platform in number of days.
  2. Do I need to pay to use the app? No. You can access parts of the app as a basic user and subscribe to standard or premium for advanced features. Check accounts –> Billing for more details
  3. Can I feature by business on the Abeyie App? As a user, you can setup your business profile under Account –> Business. Once all fields are filled, view your business in the Innovation Ecosystem –> People.
  4. Do I needs any experience to design a solution? No, feel free to start with trivia games to refresh your memory on some innovation models. Our gamification features makes it easy for anyone to design a solution.
  5. Can I suggest new features as I explore the app? Yes, the App was built for entrepreneurs of micro, small and medium business in Africa. Contact  us at devops@abeyiestudios.com